How to join the Reel48 Discord server
After clicking the button above, follow these easy instructions to join our server. Once you have joined our server, you will be placed into a custom chat where your team can work hands-on with the Reel48 service delivery team.
Step 1
For mobile devices, make sure that you have the Discord app downloaded onto your device. If you are using a computer, you should be able to access Discord directly from the internet.
Step 2
Create a Discord profile. This will not take long, and once you have created a personal profile, you will be able to accept the invitation to our server,
Step 3
Click the "accept invitation" button from the link, and you will be directed to the "Prospective Clients" chat. From there, we will create a custom chat for you and all the team members from your company that will be working with Reel48.
Step 4
Once you are in the server, you will be able to communicate directly with our team and as many people from your organization as you wish. We will communicate through a group chat, voice channels (similar to a Zoom call), and much more.